good morning, afternoon, and evening; welcome back to another edition Box Art Smash Bros.!
Review last weekwe put Kirby 64: Crystal Shards Test with two similar boxes, saving different color schemes and some character positions. And, well, we at Nintendo Life Towers should probably stop trying to make predictions because it’s not (again) as close as we thought – Japan won Pink Puff’s latest brawl with 67% of the vote!You can play the game now NSO if you have the expansion pack!
We should also include the PAL box art here, although it’s very similar to the North American box – just with a huge black border and more blue plaid around the box. We’re sure to stay ahead of the curve in the future as we know some of you have been calculating results for years! (In fact, we added “& Europe” to several previous articles and polls just to keep things 100% pristine and correct.)
Anyway, by this week!We’re going to put the hero in a half-shell under a microscope with a Game Boy game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewer. Surprisingly, we have no way Have done Box Art Brawl for the Turtles game before, so for such an important occasion you might be thinking “why not the more famous one?” Well, because it’s the game’s 30th anniversary in Europe! There’s plenty of time and opportunity to watch other TMNT games here – it’s the Year of the Turtle, after all.This week’s fighters are Very Also different, which means it should be juicy.
Be sure to vote in the poll below; but first, let’s take a look at the box art design itself.
North America and Europe

Turtles mean business in this one! The art on the North American and European boxes is very close to the art style of the original comics; they have a little guts for them and Michelangelo didn’t even take the time to look at us! Oh, we have to point out the sign here because we love it – the four pairs of eyes peeking out from the sewer is a nice little touch. Donatello also looked like he had just cut a hole in the wall. Yes, these are the turtles you don’t want to mess with.
there is one slight Differences in European Box Art – Title. At that time, these turtles were still known as the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles in the PAL region. do you remember? That was a long time ago. sigh.

What is Japanese box art in comparison but perseverance.It’s colorful, it’s silly, and it’s pleasure. Referred to as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, which is closer to the 1987 cartoon series that many people (including us) grew up with and loved.All four turtles are facing forward, all riding on skateboards – Raphael and Michelangelo’s red-orange look a bit and also However, here it is similar. Leonardo also didn’t take his dual knives out to practice safety rules. The muted blue city skyline here really makes the quartet pop. The only thing we don’t like about this is the “2” in the logo – it doesn’t match the classic logo, unlike the “II” in the English box art.
No matter which art you vote for, we don’t think you can go wrong this week — it probably comes down to whether you prefer comic books or cartoons.Don’t forget, this game will be included in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cowabunga Series When it launches later this year, you’ll have a chance to experience (or relive) the classic handheld beat game soon.
Hey, happy 30th time back to the sewer! We’ve got a slice of pizza for you!
Thanks for voting! See you next time for another round of Box Art Brawl.