After this season’s double premiere week, one question still pops into my mind: How?readers, how drag racing Ever surpassed this perfect sequence of episodes? Because this challenge is so awesome, it’s easy to forget (but it’s important to realize) how hard it can fail.
In the best seasons, snatch games are unpredictable. For every Kennedy Davenport who played Little Richard, there was an Asian O’Hara who played Beyonce. Some seasons are skewed above average (like the sixth season) and some are significantly below average (Season 14), but ironically one constant of Snatch Game is variance. That’s what makes this particular strategy so bold.At the beginning of the episode, Ru announces that this batch of winners must prepare not one, but two Impersonate a celebrity and compete in two full snatch competitions. It was an extraordinary display of faith that revealed the deep trust and reverence the production department had for these champions. And, honey, it paid off.
snatch game 1
The first of the two, this snatch game proved to be a fairly level playing field. Zingers fly from the left, right and center of the stage. Monet’s Mike Tyson is a notable standout for his characterization and lisp. Her “fuck ’em in the ass” is arguably a note, but every time she says it, it’s well placed and expressed so specifically that it’s hard to notice or care that it’s a bit repetitive.
In terms of creativity, Raja as Madame and Trinity as Luci(fer) top the list. Raja is a visual artist first and foremost, so it’s no surprise that her prosthetic limbs create a world-class puppet illusion, and she makes a perfect visual gimmick using a horse-riding crop as a puppet stick (and the joke’s not bad, either! ). Trinity makes her Satan a weak demon, she loves Luci and has a deep understanding of all things drag racing, pop culture and raunchy sex. It’s a clever idea, and allows Trinity to elevate a simple joke into something very clever. It was a hit with Ru and Michelle and identified Trinity as the one to watch the episode.
Don’t forget, there’s also the excellent Jinkx as Natasha Lyonne. It almost feels like bragging. With maybe 10 to 15 impersonations, Jinkx could have been as well entertaining as her Judy Garland (Bette Davis, Liza Minnelli, Joan Cusack, to name just a few of the live performances I’ve witnessed her). But she chose the one with the most technical difficulty, just to show off. Her timing and body as Natasha are impeccable and her jokes are a work of art. Saying that watching Jaida try to outdo Monet is like “Watching a 4-year-old move the couch?” instantly iconic.
The impeccable Shea Coulee as Elsa Majimbo – what might be considered a high level performance in any other Snatch Game – Vivienne as the charming and safe Joanna Lumley, Jaida as the mysterious and hilarious prince, Yvie Oddly as the grating Rico Nasty . But the real enjoyment has yet to come.
snatch game 2
RuPaul should dedicate her next Emmy to Jinkx Monsoon. As Judy Garland, it’s no exaggeration to say that Jinkx has reached the pinnacle of Snatch Game competition. Judy Garland of Jinkx Research, charming, respectful and irreverent. She dominates the game from start to finish, and even her voice goes beyond a gentle coo.only seen judy at carnegie hall DVDs are available every day since you were 4 years old. Even if you do, you’ll still be overwhelmed if you don’t have Jinx’s beautiful crazy mind, her masterful skills, and her inherently gay nature. I can’t even choose a favorite part! Pulling Coke from Frank Sinatra’s cock? She speaks directly to the camera, talking to the season five veteran?She tied the mic with a string so she wouldn’t trip while she was, but two Song interrupted? (Okay, this is the last one. But it’s getting close!) I can never say enough good things about this Snatch Game, but for now, I’ll end it here: Jinkx Monsoon, you’ll be famous forever.
This is not to take anything away from the performance of other queens. They are good, in some cases very good. Trinity’s Leslie Jordan Is An Authority, Possibly Even More Than Her Memorable Caitlyn Jenner All-Star(Leslie Jordan’s use of a condom as a raincoat is a perfect joke and an improv!) Diana Freeland is another perfect move on Raja’s mind, Monet Again with the very solid “Martin Lawrence parodies” (well, obviously Sheneneh does exist, but we do have a nice copyright hole!).
Back on the main stage, the runway is no less impressive. MonĂ©t looked stunning in a sculpted, pleated gown, as did Raja in a Vivienne Westwood-inspired silhouette (another perfect addition to her runway ensemble). Jinkx and Jaida make me scream too. The Queens offer some of the best drag we’ve seen from the two of them, and this is just the second episode!We are banquet. The judges were thoughtful and unsurprisingly, the top two were Jinkx, which Trinity joined. (I’d probably go with Monet, but the wealth on stage tonight was really embarrassing, so no complaints here.) Two lip-synching of Adele’s “Rumour Has It”, Jinkx was finally crowned the real winner. Certainly not my favorite Trinity or Jinkx performances, but nothing overshadowed the Snatch Game tonight, so it was quickly forgiven. Keeping its word, Jinkx put the blocking plunger on… Shea! A wise move by a shrewd queen to cap off a pair of incredible episodes.
But beyond their qualities, there’s another thread that weaves these plots together: kindness. Not just the goodwill between the queens (though they each have a lot of respect for the other’s artistry), but the goodwill of the show itself. Events that could easily be characterized as embarrassing failures (like some of Yvie’s non-laughter lines) are quickly forgotten as editors’ choices show queens flourishing, like Trinity or Jinkx. The twists and turns of these knives and narrative “trap” moments are noticeably absent from these two episodes, creating an overall atmosphere of joy and celebration. While this may be a side effect of the fact that there are no knockouts this season, so there’s no need to make a narrative justification for her exit by putting the Queen at a disadvantage, it’s certainly welcome.Don’t get me wrong: I live for some disrespectful reality show editor, and drag racing It’s different, but the way these winners are presented this season feels correct. Queens are treated like… royals! It’s what they deserve.
Until next week!