Adam Conover has spent years on truTV Adam ruined everything With in-depth research, a fun approach, and a rotating cast of comedians, audiences get to know what’s really going on on a variety of topics.exist Adam Conover’s G WordProduced by Barack and Michelle Obama’s Higher Ground Productions, he applies his omniscient skills to how government works.
Opening shot: Adam Conover lay on the sofa. “A comedy series about government that I host and you produce. I have concerns.” Conover got up and sat across the table from executive producer Barack Obama, who seemed to be enjoying his taxes.
gist: In this limited six-part series, Conover discusses the good and bad sides of various government agencies and how regulation has helped Americans over the past few decades and hindered innovation and other things. He started with food and how USDA inspectors and veterinarians can help ensure the meat we eat is safe.
In a rare scene, he tours a Cargill beef processing plant to speak with company executives and USDA representatives who work there full-time. There, he discovered how complicated the job of inspectors is and why companies like Cargill might not like having them there, but he knew it was necessary to help ensure their products were safe for people to eat.
But then Conover talked about government subsidies for grains and corn, and how this affects not only the glut of products like corn syrup and corn-processed foods in the average American’s diet, but also the structure of the food. The USDA Food Pyramid was introduced to the public in the 1990s.

What show does it remind you of? Adam Conover’s G Word structure similar to Adam ruined everything, Except there’s no “mark” where he explains things, like in the old series. There’s also room for a live coverage section, something the old truTV series never had.
Our opinion: Other topics Conover discusses with series producers Jon Cohen and Jon Wolf G word It’s weather, money and disease. In an episode about the future, he takes a look at government agencies whose inventions have brought about most of the technology we enjoy now. In an episode about change, Conover turns to Obama, who has the famous “Hope and Change” mantra, to see how someone could play a role in government.
your enjoyment G word Really depends on how you feel about Conover’s omniscient character.In contrast, he relaxed a little bit Adam ruined everything, and he’s good at playing that role to make fun of — like blaming Obama for being called “President Obama” when he no longer has the job.we have always been his fans for many yearswe’re glad the format of his previous shows has remained more or less the same, including the corner notes supporting the facts and statistics he presents there.
Like his previous shows, Conover doesn’t pretend every episode G word is a comprehensive view of a particular subject. In fact, any information he provides will not be new to you if you have an idea of what he is talking about. But how amusingly he distorts common sense on a topic with the help of mini-sketches drawn by a rotating set of players, it doesn’t really matter if you learn something new.
Sex and Skin: not any.
parting shot: In the weather forecast for the next episode, Conover said, “If the government doesn’t work in our interests, it could be a disaster.” He looked to his left and saw a tornado coming.
Sleeping Star: stand out signal to noise ratio Rookie James Austin Johnson Was one of the players rotated in the mini-sketches, Conover gave his explanation, and of course he did a good job. And, of course, Obama’s other performance was filled with professional comedic timing, which is terrific for a politician.
Most pilot lines: “Who the hell is touching all our meat?” Conover asked. “Do they think it’s gross or hot for me to say that?” At least he figured out the “touch our flesh” joke early on.
Our phone number: Streaming. There are some fun moments, well-researched information and a fun fast pace, Adam Conover’s G Word Interesting to tell people how various government agencies are helping Americans, but not afraid to call them out if their work is against our interests.
Joel Keller (@joelkeller) writes about food, entertainment, parenting, and technology, but he doesn’t kid himself: he’s a TV junkie. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Slate, Salon, Rolling Stone, VanityFair.comFast Company and elsewhere.