Entertainer Ed McMahon presents a large check in front of the winners of the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes.
fact check
artist Ed McMahon Never issue large checks at the door Publishers Clearinghouse The winner of the lottery, he also did not work in the company. However, many Americans seem to believe he did.Here is an example false memory,is called”Mandela effect. “
it’s known”Mandela effect“Because of the false memory of many who believe Nelson Mandela Died in prison in the 1980s. In fact, he died in 2013.
this false memory McMahon hands out big checks to raffle winners Publishers Clearinghouse It may be on the minds of many Americans for one or a combination of reasons.
Reason #1: Old TV Commercials
Some readers may recall the TV commercials of the publisher’s clearinghouse from decades past, where sweepstakes winners were notified on their doorsteps. PCH Award Patrol They win big cash prizes, sometimes a big check. However, McMahon never appeared in the ad. Here’s an example of such a commercial:
Reason #2: American Home Publishers
McMahon appeared in a TV commercial for a company similar to Publishers Clearing House, which was named American Home Press. However, we found little evidence that he ever delivered large checks to his doorstep:
Reason 3: McMahon face on the envelope
while serving as a spokesperson American Home Press, McMahon’s face appeared on envelopes sent to American families. However, his face never appeared on the publisher’s clearinghouse envelope because, again, he never worked for the company.McMahon hints at the game (Publishers Clearing House) and his face on the envelope old tv commercial:
Reason #4: 1994 TV commercial
In 1994, McMahon and other speakers Dick Clark participated in a TV advertisement For American Home Publishers. One of the women in the ad said McMahon showed up at her door showing a check. However, we couldn’t find any video documenting the purported moment of celebration:
Reason #5: Mysterious picture
A photo shared online shows McMahon holding a cheque that reads “Big Winner.” It doesn’t show any marks related to Publishers Clearing House or American Family Publishers.

We can’t find any trace of McMahon being associated with a show called “Big Win” or another company. We searched up and down old websites and newspaper archives, but found nothing. Also, some of the text on the check looks like it may have been modified by image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop.
Reason 6: Neighborhoods watch TV commercials
In an unknown year, McMahon took part in a commercial for Neighborhood Watch. The idea of this humorous ad is to have McMahon drop by and sign them up for the program. The script asks the actors playing the homeowners to pretend they believe they won the cash prize just because McMahon is standing in front of their house:
Reason #7: Appearing on sitcoms and late-night shows
While there is no evidence that McMahon has ever been on the doorstep of sweepstakes winners, serving Publishers Clearing House or American Family Publishers, he did appear on several TV sitcoms and late-night talk shows doing the same thing (though Checks are nondescript).
According to the collected screenshots YouTube User, McMahon Appeared At the front door, big check”Roseanne,” “Who is the boss?,” “nanny”, “boy meets world,” and several other shows. The checks sometimes show “Jackpot” or “Sweepstakes” but not the company name:
Reason #8: Additional References and Media
exist”golden girl,” actress Betty White once mention McMahon works for Publishers Clearing House, although he has never been associated with the company:
We also found three other references.A sort of picture Reveals McMahon once wrote a small check as a joke on ‘The Tonight Show’ Jay Leno. ” former late night talk show host Johnny Carson Have visited “The Late Show with David Letterman,”where is he post A big (apparently fake) check with the publisher’s clearinghouse name on it, jokingly apologizing that McMahon couldn’t show it there.there’s still one photo It showed he was ready to write a big check to the winner of the 2003 MegaBingo Championship in Las Vegas, Nevada.
All of these examples are likely part of the reason why so many people seem to think that McMahon used to work at the Publishers Clearinghouse, where he offered big checks to sweepstakes winners at the front door, even though he didn’t. this”Mandela effect“It’s on strike again.
“5 Ways to Tell If It’s a Publishers Clearinghouse Scam!” PCH BlogApril 5, 2013, https://blog.pch.com/2013/04/05/5-ways-to-know-if-its-a-publishers-clearing-house-scam/.
American Family Publishers – AFP – Clearing House Commercial – Ed McMahon (1984). 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE_b36jEyeg.
Bruce Wayne 1970. “PCH ME – Do I Have The Right?” r/Mandela effect Via Reddit, 31 May 2017, www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/6ecdb7/pch_me_do_i_have_this_right/.
Ed McMahon and Publishers Clearing House: Solid Evidence for Residual Evidence of the Mandela Effect. 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D96-Fpg37b4.
Ed McMahon did the home delivery inspection! (Mandela effect). 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpAv77xFSE0.
Ed McMahon and Giant Check (Roseanne 1995). 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUqMJG-RfT8.
Grauschopf, Sandra. “Ed McMahon offered PCH a check – true or false?” LiveAboutMarch 20, 2022, https://www.liveabout.com/ed-mcmahon-association-with-publishers-clearing-house-896841.
The Mandela Effect: Ed McMahon & Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes Golden Girls Reference. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0BXHupyWZg.
The Mandela Effect Proof Ed McMahon/PCH Carson on Letterman ’91 w/Publishers Clearinghouse. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYrjrlMh_Rg.
Phelan, Joe. “What is the Mandela effect? And have you experienced it?” Live Science NetworkMarch 19, 2022, https://www.livescience.com/what-is-mandela-effect.