A new era made me cry so much

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I don’t like how much I cry while watching new dramas Downton Abbey Movie, Downton Abbey: A New Era.

It’s not something I like about myself.It’s not like I hear myself, about 30 minutes before the end credits roll, honk my horn involuntarily, like a baby goat bleating, and think, “This is the kind of person I want to be.” I don’t Think I’m always the type who will cry right in the last scene Downton Abbey Movie. Guess someone else is also in his new age.

when Downton Abbey, TV dramapremiered and became so popular international sensationFingers fly over the keyboard trying to think possible explain unexpected attraction soap operas of this period.

obsession of the daily beast

We can’t stop loving, hating and thinking about everything in pop culture this week.

Twelve years later, with the release of its second feature-length theatrical release (the first grossed nearly $200 million at the box office), its continued popularity is less of a mystery, as fans of a feature-length series will certainly A film that revisits the screen after many years.But the question remains: why did I find it so Addicted?why i cry That a lot of?

There’s an undeniable element of nostalgia Downton Abbey: A New Era It feels good, an antidote to the “alive in 2022” poison, and you can actually feel warm and refreshed as it travels through your veins. Some might say the movie uses it like a crutch, it relies heavily on it at its own risk.

Indeed, the first 25 minutes of the film seem to be nothing more than a long follow-up shot, roaming the mansion and stopping to say hello to the massive cast of around 400 characters. Oh hey Mrs Patmore! Isabelle, I forgot how much I love you! A sighting of Anna and Mr. Bates, my heart is full! Really, this could be the whole movie and I’m going to have a great time.

fun stuff like that Downton Abbey how simple. Whether it’s a series or a movie, you watch it halfway through and realize, wait, that’s the plot? Like, this is basic. “We’re having dinner.” “Someone’s coming to Downton.” “Sybil is wearing pants.” Then, of course, they’ll hit you with something heinous, like the accidental death of the protagonist, and because you’ve Be calmed by pleasure, so you will suffer more for it.

The nice thing about this simple pleasure is that it doesn’t require much investment. Yes, there are dozens of characters, each with their own miniplot lines that unfold over a decade.but you don’t real They must be remembered. Lovely, refreshed chef Daisy apparently has a husband. I don’t remember that, but that’s okay. She brushed past a man, and I shrugged and thought, “Oh, she’s married,” and went on. This is low investment satisfaction.

Honestly, I forgot that the main family’s last name wasn’t actually Downton. The first time I mentioned “The Crawleys,” I thought, “Who is that?” Did I feel stupid afterwards? certainly. does it matter? Do not!it is Downtoneverything is very important, but nothing.

author: Julian Felloweswho also wrote and wrote the series, the main drama – the term is used in conjunction with Downton Abbey– It was the Queen Mother Countess who was left in a villa in France by a man she hadn’t seen in decades. She decides to leave the villa on her own terms to her granddaughter Sybil, with whom her father Tom Branson (Alan Leach) finally gets along.

Who is this person, who left the villa to grandma, why should this problem be solved, this is just a problem to be solved. So ridiculous family members and staff headed to the south of France to address the issue.A sort of Downton Road Trip Boat Trip Movie!

Yes, the core narrative tension of a two-hour film is, “What are we going to do with this amazing resort?” I’m all for it.

Yes, the core narrative tension of a two-hour film is, “What are we going to do with this amazing resort?” I’m all for it.

The B-plot of the movie (if one lays out the various storylines with a constellation of letters, we would cycle through the alphabet twice) is essentially Downton plot of theft singing in the rain.

A film studio wanted to shoot the next silent film in this house, even though many in the more brash generation did in such a radical and tasteless thing (“A movie? In Downton!?”) panic reaction, Mrs. Mary (Michelle Dockery) decided to accept as the large costs involved would allow for roof repairs and ensure a solid future for the estate. It’s a small price to pay for a film crew to encroach on the property — plus, at least her beloved dad, Lord Grantham of Hugh Bonneville, would be in France and not blowing the whistle on the trespassers.

But “chaos” soon followed – on both sides of the strait!

In France, the Crowleys set out to piece together what Can Become a shocking family secret involving their loving, judgmental grandma. But don’t worry: it’s handled gently. You’ll smile enthusiastically, then quietly coo, “Wow…”

And at Downton Studios, when word gets out, things get messed up – no one wants silent movies anymore – it’s all about sound! — so production may have to stop, especially since the heroine speaks in a harsh, snarky voice that is basically incomprehensible. But here, too, things are handled in a silly Downton way, and you can’t help but smile. Lady Mary herself, fascinated by the film director’s charisma (Hugh Dancy), intervening to provide the speaking voice of the doomed actress, who mimics the dialogue.

So, what about all the cries?

You don’t have to be the best movie fan in the world to risk which character might be at the center of an emotional climax after so many years of making fun of a particular event on the show and in the last movie. Even if we decide to be the biggest jerk in the world and just say what’s going to happen, some people might not consider it a spoiler because it’s so obvious and takes so long.

A long history is important. A decade of investing in these characters and their relationships has made the tears well-earned. It’s a beautiful sequence.

But the movie’s surprise doesn’t stop there. That’s how many highs there are to balance this profound sadness. There are gorgeous moments of triumph for the characters we’ve been supporting. Thomas Barrow (Robert James-Collier), you will laugh! Joseph Molesley (Kevin Doyle), you will laugh! And the keeper of my heart, Mrs. Patmore (Leslie Nicole), and you too, I’m still adrift of it.

There is obvious nostalgia. Watching doesn’t test the appeal of your stuff, it just feels good.Of course, this Downton Abbey The sequel is missing New Era Than the one we’ve always known. But in the turbulent uncertainty and unpleasantness of our current era, what a relief it is – a joy indeed – and that’s it.

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