Kettlebell training has become increasingly popular over the past decade, making its way into boot camps and CrossFit classes around the world. Yet somehow, Body conditioning This tool is often overlooked and underutilized in regular fitness routines.
An effective strength training alternative to dumbbells and barbells, kettlebells are a great way to shape and strengthen your body from head to toe.Through its design, the dome-shaped iron counterweight can be used for Build strength and strength Develops, enhances core strength and stability, and increases stamina. Always beating boredom and blasting plateaus.
What makes kettlebells effective? “Kettlebell training combined Explosive Power and Muscular Endurance Provides efficient athletic training,” says New York City-based strength coach Sarah Gawron ONNIT Certification Kettlebell flow expert, founder of Kettlebell Strong, based on Comfort New York.
Gawron, aka “Coach Sarah”, who is also certified in CrossFit L2, American Weightlifting L2, and Kettlebell Exercise, is here to bust the myths surrounding kettlebell training while providing all the kettlebells you should add to your regularly scheduled workouts The reason for the bell.
Coach Sarah Debunks Common Kettlebell Myths
If you’re one of the many bodybuilders still reluctant to kettlebell training out of fear of injury or simply uneasy about the technique and benefits of the training tool, Gawron says don’t let these common kettlebell misconceptions go. Learning the truth about kettlebells from fiction is the first step to getting extra benefits in your training.
1. One cannot gain strength with kettlebells
- the truth: “Building strength and size can be accomplished in many different ways and depends on many factors, such as genetics, diet, training program, size,” says Gawron. Case in point – yes, kettlebells can build strength, but in the end it boils down to how you train, how/what you eat, your genes, lifestyle (and more) creating an environment (or lack thereof) to grow.
2. Kettlebells can cause back problems.
- the truth: “Using kettlebells requires technical and skill development; as a result, many people don’t use them because they think they will hurt and end up bruised,” explains Gawron. If you’re new to kettlebells, she encourages you to work with a trainer and take an online class or class that covers the basics. This will ensure correct technology and security.
3. There is only one way to lift and use a kettlebell.
- the truth: Short answer: wrong! “There are many methods, styles and genres of kettlebell training,” says Gawron. “All will acknowledge and encourage that these movements should be performed efficiently and painlessly,” she explained.
“Some people get confused when they see hardstyle, Kettlebell Sport, or a mix of the two, and wonder which style is ‘correct,'” she said. But since movement can take many different forms, there is no “wrong” way to move.
The difference between kettlebell training and dumbbells
Although both kettlebells and dumbbells are good for the body, there are striking differences between the two.
Interestingly, the kettlebell’s design allows for a fuller, wider range of motion during training. “For example, with strict pressure, (when using a kettlebell), you can use the full range of the shoulder joint,” Gawron says. “When using dumbbells or barbells, the movement is shortened due to their design.”
Unlike barbells or dumbbells, kettlebell exercises allow the body to train in different planes, where dumbbells and barbells perform movements that are usually only done in the sagittal plane), recruit more stabilizers, and therefore make the joints stronger, and require body uniformity to generate force to perform an action efficiently.
“The design of the kettlebell sets it apart compared to traditional tools like dumbbells,” says Gawron. “The center of gravity of the kettlebell is off the handle—it’s inches away from it, and requires more engagement of the stabilizer muscles during the movement to balance the weight,” she says, giving you more gains when pumping iron.

The benefits of kettlebell training
Get ready to add kettlebells to your sweaty workouts, as they’ve proven to be a great tool for full-body conditioning. “Kettlebell training is a good balance between improving flexibility, building stability through the joints, building muscle, and developing strength,” says Gawron.
Regular and traditional movements in kettlebell training such as swings, cleans, and snatch are all strength movements. “It’s important to include strength exercises like this in your training to help develop stronger, more elastic connective tissue; specifically tendons, ligaments, fascia, and joint capsules,” she explains.
Kettlebell training also improves grip strength and helps improve coordination and flexibility. Of course, kettlebells can also crush the core.
“You can use kettlebells in a number of ways: circulation, flow, strengthening exercises for strength and cardiovascular improvement,” says Gawron. You can train anywhere; the beach, the park, the comfort of your home or your local gym!
Top Kettlebell Brands to Get You Started
You don’t need to invest too much to get started with kettlebell training. In fact, one can accomplish a lot with lightweights, intermediates, and heavyweights. Here are three of Coach Sarah’s favorite kettlebell brands for you to choose from:
Remember: each company has a slightly different kettlebell mold. One brand may have longer or thicker handles, and the position of the kettlebell on the rack will vary. Consultation with a kettlebell trainer or professional will help take the guesswork out of what kettlebells are best for you.
go with the flow
Often people can be intimidated by kettlebell terminology, one of which is flow. According to Gawron, flow is like dance, where a combination of movements, say, a kettlebell swing, leads to another movement, like a clean, and continues to look like a well-choreographed program. It’s almost like a zen state with a kettlebell, and before you know it, you’ve moved the bell for five minutes without putting it down. Keeping up with those around us, but only if we can actually steer and move with purpose. So I find that the process work really helps. Because now you are focused on movement, you are in tune with your breathing. This allows you to move the bell for more than five minutes at a time without having to put it down.
“I find a lot of students or people who are interested in wanting to start using the tool is they see all these crazy flows or they look very impressive on social media. But as simple as a flow can be a Swing, even simplified, it’s like a clean, a press, a squat. That’s it. You can do a clean squat overhead. Once I explain or tell people it’s a process, they’re like, oh, I can do it.
Inspired by kettlebell training? let us begin!

Instructor Sarah’s Entry-Level Kettlebell Training Workout
Block A (3 rounds, done as one circuit). Use this as a warm-up for the next two blocks.
- Crouch to Halo: 10 times
What it can do: This is used to warm up and help tone the shoulders and relax the lower body.
How to do it: Begin by turning the light kettlebell upside down (bell facing up) while grabbing the bell’s horn. With feet shoulder-width apart, squat down, then lift up, rotating the bell around your head from left to right and back to your chest. That is a representative. Repeat five times (right to left) before switching rotations. - Suitcase + Rack Carry: 30 seconds per side:
What it can do: This is used to warm up and stabilize your core, as well as help activate your shoulders.
How to do it: Hold a light kettlebell in one hand in a front rack position (holding the bell in front of your chest while keeping your wrists strong and elbows tight). With the other hand, hold a heavier kettlebell (like a suitcase) by your side. Walk in a straight line or stay still, focusing on keeping your core tight and hips straight. Switch sides after 30 seconds. - Chest swing: 15 times
What it can do: This hip hinge exercise is used to warm up and help activate the hamstrings and glutes. (Your lower back shouldn’t feel this way.) It’s also a great starting point for learning how to master Kettlebell swing.
How to do it: Start by placing the kettlebell at your sternum with both hands, feet shoulder-width apart, directly under your hips. (Keeping the center of gravity close to yours will eliminate the possibility of feeling it in your lower back). Articulate your hips, then push your feet into the floor, tighten your hips and stand up. That is a representative.
Group B (Strength): Rest as needed between 3-4 sets/sets. Try to keep the flow from one action to the next.
- Hand cleaning squat: 5 times (each side)
What it can do: This is a great move to develop lower body strength and explosiveness.
How to do it: Keep your feet shoulder-width apart as you place the light-to-medium kettlebell on the floor between your ankles. Move your hips back and reach with your hands toward the bell. Then, using your legs and hips, pull the bell toward your chest. Stand up straight with the bell still in front of your chest, squat down, and lower the kettlebell back to the floor. That is a representative. Reset and repeat. - Standing Seesaw News: 6 times (each side)
What it can do: Develop shoulder strength and strength
How to do it: Hold a pair of lightweight kettlebells from a rack position (focus on keeping your elbows close to your sides and your thumbs close to your collarbone). Press a bell toward the ceiling until it locks. Then lower the dumbbell while pressing the opposite kettlebell. Continue this “jagged” pattern on the rest of the group. - Dead Block Swing: 12 times
What it can do: This is a great hip hinge exercise and an excellent part of advancing the kettlebell swing.
How to do it: Use a similar approach to the previous chest swing – feet below you and bell between ankles, only this time the kettlebell is on the floor. Move your hips back, reach for the bell and tilt it towards you – this is your starting position. From here, “raise” the bell like a football so it’s close to your hips, push your feet into the floor, tighten your hips, and let the bell swing forward. Let it swing back, then lower to the floor and reset. That is a representative.
Block C (core cashing): — 3 sets of 30 sec on/15 sec off
- High plank resistance
What it can do:Focus on core strength and anti-rotation.
How to do it: In a strong high plank position, the kettlebell rests on the side of the torso. With your other arm, grab the bell across your chest and drag it to the other side. Then with the other arm, cross again and grab the bell to the other side. Keep alternating for 30 seconds. (Note: If you lose plank position, lower your knees and continue dragging.) - ½ kneeling windmill
What it can do: Focus on rotation and hip and shoulder stability.
How to do it: Start in a half-kneeling position with one foot in front and the other leg down. Hold the kettlebell on the side of the front foot, press it overhead, and hold the lock for 30 seconds. Rotate your torso to the side of the kettlebell, looking at the bell while placing your other hand on the floor (if you have mobility issues, place your hand on the yoga block). Return to the original half-kneeling position and repeat.