2 Exercises Men Over 40 Need to Live Longer

Milo Bryant Is a performance coach and experienced journalists.He’s in his 50s too – and his books Unstoppable after 40 Provides you with a roadmap to do more than just stay active as you “mature”. Milo trains hard and recovers better so he can do what he wants when he wants to. Get ready to use his methods to become overwhelming. This is not your dad’s middle age.

Below is an excerpt from Unstoppable After 40.

move. Very important.

We have to make more time for sports. Specifically, we need to relearn how to move. Besides good nutrition, exercise is more important to our health and well-being than any other factor. It’s not just practice, but well-established movements that bring life to life.

Does this sound frenetic? Well, call me to convert. I am a devoted, devoted follower of what I like to call the first church of the human movement. Its words are sound and powerful. Bends, stretches, squats, twists, balances – folks, this will keep us healthy for the next 40 years.

I’m the type of person many people might stereotype as a “functional fitness” coach. However, everything I do is for performance, no matter the activity. I do everything I can to help athletes move and perform better. If that meant Olympic weightlifting, I would teach the clean and jerk and the snatch and all the exercises associated with it. If that means sprinting, the athlete will find himself repeating everything from the number 4 loop to the speeding hurdle jump.

Guys, I’ve done a lot of “cave” work and attended more than my share of National Bench and Triceps Days. All of them — bench presses, squats and deadlifts — are great.But none of the things I do or want to do require me to push up from the chest (actually a two-decade time span, from 1999 to 2019, where i don’t have a bench press) or put disrespectful pressure on my back.

men’s health

Men’s Health Network
Men’s Health Network


I still deadlift (mostly with trap bar

I’m training kitesurfing in Tarifa, hiking Kilimanjaro, learning bachata and kizumba. After all, why do we train to look our best if it’s not for the enjoyment of life?

2 Exercises Every Man Over 40 Needs

You might think that the key to never slowing down is to keep as much muscle as possible. But if you get hurt easily, that power goes away. Protect your body by focusing on two key categories of movement: flexibility and stability.


Your body needs movement every day to keep working the right way. But for the past four-plus decades, you’ve probably limited your daily activities to a handful of locations. Ignoring all the other potential ways your body can move can leave you vulnerable to injury. This is where mobility exercises come in handy.

fluidity It is the ability of a joint to move freely without pain.exercises like this spiderman lunge or Superman Hall Can help you keep your exercise easy. They also lubricate tight hips, relax your back, and avoid neck pain. Best of all, they don’t take long. Want more mobility?Check this 30-day challenge.


Stability is your foundation. This is your ability to maintain balance. We all learned it as kids, but as we get older, it needs upkeep. Studies have shown that stability training can significantly reduce the risk of injury and make it easier to build strength. The more unstable you are, the less force you can generate.

Stabilization moves, such as the series of lunges you’ll learn Unstoppable after 40, challenges your balance and helps you maintain stability in your everyday life. Incorporate these into your daily routine and you will be unshakable.

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