This 5-Minute Core Workout Will Improve Your Balance

you are reading movethe nudge we need to be active, but make us happiest and healthiest.

Do you have serious balance? Your core might be the culprit. So this week, we’re offering a five-minute workout to help improve both.

A quick, equipment-free routine by Fiona Hawker at curveA sort of healthy Specifically for female.

This will help improve your balance, whether you’re rocking a lot in yoga class or finding you can’t do a basic quad stretch on one leg.

“As you age, balance exercises are especially important because your
Proprioception (your ability to know where you are in space) gets worse as you get older,” says Hawke. “Improving balance is also great for posture—it teaches you to be the body’s natural static and Dynamic poses. “

Add these moves at the end of your next workout, or try them while you wait for the kettle to boil. They really are that simple.

1. Swing legs

Stand with feet together, hands on hips. Shift your weight to your right leg and slowly swing your left leg to the side as high as you can without leaning to the side. Balance by keeping your core tight, slowly swing your legs back and control to cross slightly in front of your supporting legs and repeat. Keep your torso upright and facing forward. This is a great workout for your inner and outer thigh muscles, hamstrings, quads, abs, and hip flexors. Do this for 30 seconds, then switch legs and do the same on the other side.

2. Statue of Liberty

Start with your feet about hip-width apart. Lift your left arm up and raise your left leg to 90 degrees, then lower your left foot and cross behind you, placing your knee on the floor and your arm by your side. Do this exercise slowly, focusing on balance and keeping your chest facing forward. This is a great workout for your abs, hip flexors, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.Do this for 30 seconds, then switch legs and do the same thing on the other side

3. Single Leg Rotation

Stand on one leg with your hands on your hips and the other foot on your knee or calf. Rotate your knees out as far as you can without twisting your hips. Keeping your hips and torso forward, bring your knees back in front. Do this exercise slowly and in control. This is a great workout for your abs, hip flexors, and glutes. Do this for 30 seconds, then switch legs and do the same on the other side.

4. Standing side stretch

Start with your feet together, one foot crossed in front of the other, keeping your feet together, flat on the floor and pointing forward. Extend your arms straight up and bend to the same side as your front foot. Keep your core tight and your back aligned so you don’t lean forward or backward. Look up at your hand slightly. This is a great workout for the traps, deltoids, rhomboids, triceps, traps, abs and hip flexors.

5. Balance Sheet

Start on the floor with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Extend the other arm and leg until a straight line is formed from the fingertips to the toes, hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position and extend the other arm and leg. Look at a point on the floor between your hands. Keeping your core tight, be careful not to extend your legs higher than your shoulders. This is great for your abs and lower back strength as well as improving the flexibility of your shoulders and hips. Do this exercise for 30 seconds.

6. Forearm plank

Support your forearm weight with your elbows, place your elbows under your shoulders, and stretch your legs behind you on your toes. Keep your head in a neutral position so it doesn’t sag or lift above your shoulders. Tighten your core and keep your hips down so your abs engage but don’t sag, as this puts pressure on your lower back until you form a straight line from head to heels. This is a great workout for your abs, obliques, back, shoulders, triceps, glutes and hamstrings. Hold this pose for 30 seconds and don’t forget to breathe!

move Celebrating exercise in all its forms, with accessible features, encourages you to add movement to your day – because it’s not just good for the body, it’s also good for the mind. We get it: Exercising can be a little tough, but there are ways to get more exercise without fear. Whether you enjoy hiking, biking, YouTube workouts, or hula hoop routines, exercising should be a treat.

Huffington Post UK/Rebecca Zisser

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