Election fraud campaign asserts itself/public news service in policy stage campaign

Examples of proposed policies and candidates linked to sham election fraud have spread to Minnesota, new country report It was found that the movement was not slowing down ahead of this fall’s vote.

Three voter rights groups have released findings on how state legislatures are trying to undermine the election, including more leeway to reject results, demand partisan or outside audits, and shift power away from election administrators. Minnesota Republicans have floated some ideas but are unlikely to pass under the current balance of power.

Rachel Homer, an adviser to the nonprofit that protects democracy, said simply bringing them up would be a threat.

“It’s about everybody supporting democracy,” Homer asserted. “Both parties really need to oppose this movement towards authoritarianism.”

Despite the call for unity, Republicans are seeing more statewide office candidates either perpetuate claims of stolen elections or suggest current laws need restrictions, which they say will strengthen election security.

The Minnesota Republican Party recently approved such a candidate for secretary of state, the office that oversees the election. This year, the United States introduced 175 such laws, the report said.

Homer believes that false allegations of election fraud have been formed in the wake of Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 presidential election, which has ballooned to alert level five. Even if most bills don’t pass, voters will still be exposed to theories that are outright dismissed by the courts, she noted.

“These bills were introduced by many legislators in many states,” Homer observed. “They obviously thought it had an audience.”

The groups behind the report stress that it’s important to remember that most administrators, staff and volunteers are committed to free and fair elections.

Common Cause’s National Voting and Electoral Director Sylvia Albert said outside the findings that it was worrisome that some candidates who espoused that view could be brought into office. If election results are rejected without valid reasons, she said it could be harder to pursue recourse.

“So, absolutely capable of challenging in court, [but] The courts are increasingly inclined to step back and let the political process run its course,” Albert stressed. “It’s not about protecting people who don’t have power, they’re ordinary Americans.

The Carnegie Corporation of New York provided support for this report.

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