5 Healthy Ways to Boost Mental Health

Mastering ways to boost mental health should be something that happens every day, not reserved for Mental Health Awareness Month, but May is about assessing our lifestyles and asking ourselves if we have more time nurture our minds With the level of care we deserve.

Here, M&F looks at 5 ways you can make positive changes to your mental health today Focus on the mind-body connectionand maintain homeostasis.

Small steps can boost your mental health by leaps and bounds.

When our mental health is poor, our motivation levels suffer, causing us to feel worse because of inactivity.The idea that stepping out of our comfort zone is good for our long-term happiness is a proven concept, and A study conducted in 2005 A review of more than 275,000 people in 225 studies shows that those seeking new life goals are more likely to experience positive emotions and enjoy greater self-confidence.

The good news is that making positive change today can start with the smallest steps. A simple daily walk forces you to get off the couch, carry your own weight, reducing the risk of high blood pressure, not to mention the confidence-boosting effects of increasing muscle and stamina, while losing fat. And, when you’re ready to take the next step, try interval walking, where you walk at a higher-than-normal pace for short periods of time, followed by a period of time at your normal level. You’ll soon let go of the brain fog and feel sharper and more positive. Heck, even your memory will improve. “My lab Memory benefits tested Engaging 64 sedentary but cognitively healthy seniors to participate in our community program at a local seniors gym; Physical Activity Center of Excellence (PACE),” said Dr. Jennifer Hayes, Brain Health Specialist and Director of NeuroFit Labs. Exercise sessions are supervised 3 times a week for 12 weeks. As participants improved, we increased the treadmill speed or incline to reach the target intensity. After just 12 weeks of interval walking, older adults had a 30 percent improvement in memory, and this better memory was directly linked to their health. At harder intervals, when you’re having a hard time having a conversation, you’ll know you’ve tried hard enough; what the researchers call the ‘talk test’. “

Man runs on treadmill to boost your mental health

Move your Myokines to boost your mental health

We’ve all heard of “high-intensity runners” due to the endorphins that our brains release when we exercise vigorously, but medical science has also found that your muscles also secrete chemicals that may be beneficial to your mental health .

“When we exercise, our muscles release these amazing factors called actin, which promote crosstalk between the muscles and other organs of the body, including the brain,” says Dr. Jennifer Heisz. Actin is a protein that our muscle cells release after they contract. There are thought to be over 100 different actins, and more are being discovered all the time, and their benefits appear to include improved metabolic function, tissue repair, and brain health.

“Actin provides a mechanism by which exercise can affect brain function, thereby altering mood and cognition,” said Dr. Heisz. “One way in which myokines affect brain function is through Reduce systemic inflammation. This is especially beneficial for people with drug-resistant depression, whose low mood is associated with high levels of inflammation. “

Man sits on bench and eats salad to boost mental health
Light Field Studio/Shutterstock

Your gut health can boost your mental health

The digestive tract (the wall in the long tubes of the gut) is often described as the “second brain” and is thought to play a role in our emotional health. So it makes sense that taking care of our gut health would have a positive effect on our overall well-being.

good gut health and function Depends on many things,” said Dr. Bill Cole, founder of the Critical Cell Nutrition and Cell Health Accelerator Program. “On the one hand, a healthy gut lining acts as a barrier, keeping out what should stay on the outside, and keeping out what shouldn’t leave. Leaky gut, also known as gut permeability, is It’s prevalent in our society. This is where damage to the lining of the gut creates tiny holes that allow undigested proteins, toxins, bacteria and viruses to flood into the bloodstream. This creates an immune response that causes the whole body Autoimmune disease and chronic inflammation. Leaky gut can be caused by poor diet, stress, and certain medications, such as antibiotics.

eat a whole food diet, including grass-fed and organic meats, wild fish, pastured chicken and eggs, raw dairy, organic fruits and vegetables, is one of the best things we can do to help heal a damaged gut. Taking probiotics and eating raw fermented vegetables can also help repopulate the gut with good bacteria. Adding a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water before a meal or two each day can aid digestion and healing. In addition, an amino acid L-glutamine powder has also been shown to help heal the intestinal lining. The benefits of a healthy gut are manifold. Science suggests that Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, may have been doing something because he believed that all diseases begin with an unhealthy gut. I don’t know if this is entirely true, but nearly 40 years in the health field have shown me that so many diseases stem from an unhealthy gut. “

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Get a good night’s sleep

If your mom always said, “Things will get better sleep tight,” and then she’s really doing something. Exercise and good sleep go hand in hand when it comes to maintaining a strong body and mind.

“The more active we are during the day, the better we sleep at night,” Dr. Heisz said. “This is because exercise breaks down ATP (the cellular energy currency) into adenosine, which the brain senses and triggers sleep. As we age, we are more prone to insomnia symptoms, including trouble falling and staying asleep. We may spend less The time is in deep sleep, which means the brain doesn’t have much time to refresh or recharge at night, making it harder to think and feel good the next day. Scheduling exercise at the same time each day helps synchronize your circadian rhythm, Let you fall asleep faster. You can also exercise according to your phenotype. For example, a “night owl” who wants to get up early can try to exercise in the morning or afternoon, while an “early lark” can try to exercise in the evening.

Woman pushes away a plate of unhealthy food while eating an apple.
cat box

Boosts Metabolism While Boosting Mental Health

If sleep is not in place restore your energy levels, Make sure you’re getting the right nutrients and don’t overeat highly processed comfort foods that can make you feel lethargic after the initial rush. “Hormones play a very important role in our energy levels,” Dr. Cole said. “For example, the hormone insulin is responsible for driving glucose into cells, an important source of fuel.

Also, the thyroid hormone; T3 is our main metabolic hormone. When produced in sufficient quantities, T3 can enter the cells it is responsible for, increasing metabolism. Metabolism is the chemical reaction within cells that converts food into energy, so people have more energy, lose weight more easily, and have good gut and brain function. The old saying about an apple a day, keep the doctor away from me may not be entirely true, but it does point out that whole foods and a healthy lifestyle can greatly reduce the need for doctor visits and medications as you age. Our trump card is that we have a body designed for health and recovery. Science calls it homeostasis. This is our body’s natural ability to adapt to changing internal and external environments. We can create an environment in our body that supports homeostasis, or we can create an environment that interferes with it. “

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